


Change, and the pace of it makes business and life itself, exciting. Digital change, we’re promised, will reduce cost, boost margin, and deliver a competitive advantage – or at the very least ensure you keep pace with your customers, for whom change is as fast as a 5G network.

然而,badly managed digital upgradescan be synonymous with overrun deadlines, requests for additional resource, hefty equipment and installation costs and slow training processes.

No surprise then that for many CFOs,ldsports乐动 听起来像一个昂贵而令人难以置信的痛苦的流行语。


在一个超过的世界全球人口的一半accesses the internet on a mobile device, embracing digital (and whatever that means for your organisation) makes sense. But huge, heavy implementations and seismic top-down changes, don’t – so the way it is implemented and embraced has to change.




In short, that is what anagile approachto digital transformation looks like and it nearly always starts with the customer, or end-user experience.

Now, the opportunity, in the case of retailers comes from the fact that,according to Adobe,只有少数公司实际上说用户体验是他们的分化点。我们肯定知道,从我们自己的购买行为都在和离线中,更多seamless the experience, the more likely we are to make a repeat purchase.

The agile, digital-first approach isn’t just good for customers, as retailers have embraced the same evolutionary ways of thinking when it comes to improving their own processes. For example, chat bots reduce customer service costs and algorithms help customers discover products quicker, whilst data gathered provides once unimaginable levels of insight that can all be used to boost sales and revenues. The result, from all those small changes, is improved audience segmentation, reduced costs and a healthier bottom line.

So how can these lessons be adapted to service-based industries?



一个Agile Strategy通过专注于实现增量目标和里程碑,促使快速,小,迭代的变化是有益的,从而减少实施变革或开发服务的总体时间。它允许灵活地改变路径或修改计划而不会增加预算。


然而,whilst this can all appear daunting and theoretical, there are organisations out there who can help you identify the most suitable team structures, ways of working and culture shifts in order to achieve sustainable ROI from your project.

携带合适的专业知识来管理ldsports乐动 is essential. While many consultants offer general knowledge in change management and restructuring, choosing expertise in digital transformation will ensure long term success.

Working with the right digital partner will guarantee that the benefits are not limited to the initial project costs. The right digital partner will deliver the cultural shift to support the long-term flexibility of thought necessary to administer ongoing agility and efficiency.

Through this new way of thinking, organisations become subscribed to an agile approach which leads to more efficient internal processes and a streamlined customer experience. In turn, sales rise, costs fall and margins increase.
