运营负责人,Clair Karlsson,在Expleo内为工程和商业(Web)进行工程和商业(Web)的妇女,是expleo内的妇女的支持平台。网络是一个女人觉得谈论他们在日常角色所面临的问题的地方。在认识到国际妇女节,Clair分享了开始本集团的动机以及为什么在她自己的职业生涯中的性别平等的进展尚未到来。


Our group started more through circumstance than any grand plan. I was the only female manager in the office at the time, and a bit older and more experienced. A few of the girls in the office, and not just in my team, were coming to me for advice around certain issues, perhaps with a colleague or even their manager.

这个轴承ned into a lunch session, in our own time. The girls brought their sandwiches and we’d just chat about any problems and then share our feelings and concerns. I offered a range of ‘services’ such coaching and mentoring, personal development, networking opportunities and advice on working within a male-dominated environment. I helped with dispelling disputes within the workplace and escalated ideas to improve wellbeing for women.

“WEB has opened a very exciting, welcoming and supportive platform for women to feel comfortable to talk about issues they face in their everyday roles, whether facing challenges with male colleagues or mapping out their career. This is way more than a ‘tick in the box’ exercise for Clair who gives a lot of her time and attention to her role. Her insight is invaluable.”

WEB participant

我的经理认识到它所做的好处,所以问我是否可以扩大网across the organisation. We found a name:Women in Engineering and Business (WEB). The hour-long sessions became more structured. I’d start with training and mentoring, such as how to be assertive rather than aggressive, or discussing the ‘colour wheel’ as a way of responding to different personalities. These management techniques can be very empowering for women in a male-dominated situation or environment. Then I’d open the discussion to the floor. If anyone wanted to raise anything with me personally, then we’d do that separately.

Hold your emotions inside

我的职业生涯始于1989年,与英国飞机制造商的学徒。这是一个着名的计划,另外10名其他年轻女性。据我所知,我是唯一一个仍在在工程角色工作的人。这表明在这个行业中取得了多么艰难。在我大学的第一次安置中,我加入了一个240名设计师的团队 - 作为唯一的女人。很可怕。在那些日子里,绘图委员会团队也怨恨毕业生,所以这是一个双重鞭子。


很多这种态度来自各个男人被提升的方式。我没有将其视为组织失败。我很高兴Expleo制作了一个保证确保相同career development opportunities对我们集团内的每个人都开放,包括更多的女性人才在管理角色,并在日常商业生活中与偏见战斗。自从我加入以来,这行业已经走了很长的路,尽管来自低酒吧。在2021年,对性骚扰或身体虐待有零容忍。但不等式继续吗?是的,一点没错。实际上,46%的妇女报告遭受歧视in the European tech sector.

Public perception

There are still plenty of male engineers who let gender cloud their opinion. It’s hard to deal with. Of course, this isn’t just a challenge for engineering. I think we’ve all been in a situation when a car salesman or electrician struggles to look you in the eye or insists on speaking to your partner instead.

Why have I persevered? I think it goes back to my Swedish upbringing. I always had freedom to tinker with wiring and appliances around the house. There’s less of a gender divide in Scandinavian countries about what constitutes a male or female profession. My parents never thought it was strange for one second that I wanted to go into engineering.


In other countries, it’s illegal to call yourself an engineer unless you’re qualified. Why don’t we do that here? It might cause a big stink, but it would also raise the profile of engineering in the eyes of girls, who can bring a diverse perspective to meeting the challenges of tomorrow. We need to do something symbolic or the same old prejudices will endure.