Expleo’s UK Quality MD Stephen Magennis asks whether a明确的目的will help change a brand’s relationship with customers. Is purpose the secret ingredient for motivating employees and unlocking growth potential in a highly competitive market?


Nowadays, looking too far ahead could prove a hazardous approach. The speed of technological change in today’s highly-competitive marketplace – compounded by the deep uncertainty around geopolitical concerns such as Brexit and globalisation – mean that a straight-line strategy is likely to flat-line pretty quickly. The reality is that the world outside your business will be moving faster than your own world, leaving you vulnerable to stagnation.


Empathy as a growth driver




例如,我们的mobile payment experts非常满意地知道他们正在做的工作意味着“客户可以利用最新的支付技术,受益于更方便和无缝的交易,无需频繁的身份验证请求,为他们节省了大量时间”。

她的同事帮助开发了一个全球供应链系统for a global music corporation that will deliver cost savings and also ensure that the artists get the credit and royalties they are due. “By having a robust system in place, the music corporation and the artists can continue to invest in making new music,” he said. “I am proud that my work is playing a part in protecting musicians and moving culture forward.”

At Expleo, our growth plans for 2020 include being a consultancy industry leader and partner of choice for our clients. We’re taking steps to create greater development and career opportunities for our people, while building a profitable growth-based company on behalf of our stakeholders.

At the heart of this strategy is the need to feel satisfaction and pride in the work we do, and the value we deliver. By revisiting those emotional drivers regularly – and making purpose and awareness part of the company culture – we aim to embed a more adaptive and proactive growth strategy that will benefit our business, people and customers alike.