当我在Expleo Management Consulting的经验设计顾问开始时,我开始了一个内部项目,该项目旨在掌握员工的经验,因此员工的旅程。员工旅程是员工在组织中花费的时间,从申请到公司的那一刻,通过在组织的船上工作,最后结束当员工退出本组织时。这些时刻之间的所有时间和员工都是员工的雇员旅程。研究当前的员工旅程和设计未来的旅程,允许识别改善公司文化的方法,提升员工经验,从而建立雇主品牌。此外,它还允许员工对他们在组织的经验中进行更大程度的控制,因此创造了更多有订婚和生产性的工作人员,希望能够留下更长的业务。最后,研究表明,您的客户的经验只是您的员工的经验。愉快的工作环境和快乐员工意味着更高的参与,士气,直接影响组织向客户提供的服务或产品。


steps for employee journey improvement


In this step, focus on creating As-Is Employee Journey. The goal is to understand what are employees feeling and experiencing at this moment across their journey. This allows getting familiar with the starting point. The attention is on identifying frictions and unmet needs between the employee and broadly speaking the company. I collected data with help of semi-structured interview and one-to-one creation of personal As-Is Employee Journey map. I found this step interesting, especially as the new employee. It allowed me to get a better understanding about the company, what is the company doing for the employees on different levels of their maturity within the company as well as get to know the employees that I interacted with. However, by being new to the company, I needed to quickly build a trustful connection with the employees. I alwaysensure participants about the confidentiality of the information that they provide to make them feel comfortable with sharing their insights



3. Identify gaps

At this point, we have two employee journey maps: As-Is and To-Be. When comparing them moment by moment, the goal is to identify the differences. The differences are the gaps that keep the employees away from the optimal experience. They should be prioritized according to their importance. The gaps were identified in the same interactive remote group workshop session where we also worked on identifying the To-Be Employee Journey. What was surprising for me is the fact that participants where coming up with new relevant gaps that resulted not only from the differences noticed between the two maps but from their own experience. This shows that I need to即使您认为数据收集阶段已经完成,也总是开放新乐动娱乐网站的见解


在这一步骤中,专注于创造关于如何关闭AS-IS和作为员工旅程地图之间所识别的发散的新想法。推荐的步骤是将所识别的和可操作的目标分配给想要并具有发出影响的员工。但这不是一切,总是在进一步的过程中提供你的帮助,即观念。在员工旅程系列的最后介绍期间,我介绍了员工到目前为止取得的员工,并感谢努力工作。在演示中,我展示了他们优先事项的真理和差距的有组织的时刻。当呈现差距时,我鼓励员工提出问题和讨论谁有权力,以便在每个差距的情况下进行改变。当那些被定义时,我们集体决定是谁将成为差距的所有者,并且需要完成以关闭它的未来工作。稍后它是对解决方案和工作实现的信息的所有者能力,因此处理路线图创建的最后一步。在这一步中,重要的是make the entire team feel empowered because it means that they can have a real effect on the company and that they are deserving this

5. Roadmap

该阶段专用于创建项目路线图,这是一个高级且易于理解项目最重要的元素的概述,例如工作的目标,重要的里程碑,可能的风险和依赖性。在这种情况下,该项目旨在实施以前创造的思想,旨在关闭AS-IS和曾经员工旅程地图之间的分歧。在我们的案例中,仍将创建路线图。目前,我们正忙于一种思想阶段。当关于如何改善当前员工旅程的经验时开发了明确的概念时,我们将自然地朝着制定路线图的制定。该roadmap是必要的,因为它提出了整个员工旅程改进项目的明确目的allows to align employees the daily grind with their long-term aspirations