Belfast, 31st July 2020。Expleo是创新公司的技术合作伙伴,今天宣布在STAPCOVID NI联系跟踪应用程序推出中的作用的详细信息,建立了与位于爱尔兰共和国部署的Covid Tracker应用程序进行互操作性。Expleo在应用程序上进行了广泛的质量测试,这是世界上第一个跨境跟踪器设备,旨在停止Covid-19的传播。

The StopCOVID NI app was built using the same technology and design as the Republic of Ireland’s COVID Tracker app, which Expleo’s quality assurance team was also heavily involved in. For the Northern Ireland app, Expleo’s team carried out more than 1,000 hours of testing and was responsible for ensuring that it was user-friendly, reliable and capable of sending and receiving anonymised data to and from both the Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland versions of the app. As a result, users will be notified if they have had close sustained contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19, regardless of which application they are using.


Quality tests included:

  • Performance testing- Expleo的质量保证和优质的工程团队在应用程序上进行了负载测试,以确保大量的人可以同时下载,而不会导致它崩溃。
  • Exposure Notification Distance Testing- 由于设备具有不同的蓝牙信号强度,Expleo测试了不同的衰减值,以最大限度地遵守要求。
  • - 测试人员确保用户从下载和注册中收集的用户匿名数据在数据库中填充,而不会干扰其他用户的匿名数据。
  • 图形用户界面(GUI)测试– Expleo tested the look and feel of the app, ensuring user-friendly navigation; the correct and reliable function of buttons; and that all content and text matched requirements.

北爱尔兰卫生部首席数字信息官丹西部表示:“StopCovid Ni应用程序是成功重新开放北爱尔兰的一个必要的下一步。此应用程序可以与爱尔兰共和国的Covid Tracker App一起运行的事实,甚至更具保护 - 特别是对于生活在边境地区的人。


Scott Armstrong, Director, Expleo, said:“Covid-19对爱尔兰岛上的人民和社区造成了浩劫。在我们参与爱尔兰共和国的成功推出之后,我们很荣幸有机会在软件测试和质量保证方面使用我们丰富的经验,以支持北爱尔兰对抗冠状病毒的斗争。“

“We have been very pleased to see such high volumes of people downloading the Republic of Ireland’s version and we hope that the app will be similarly embraced in Northern Ireland so that we can all work together to stem the spread of COVID-19.”

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