A sustainable growth project supporting technological and human progress

社会正在经历一种技术革命,在移动性,消费,生产和沟通方面改变了我们的生活方式。与我们的客户一起工作,我们正在帮助德signand create the products and服务这将塑造未来的世界。


Social, societal and environmental responsibility is essential to our success and performance. We are proud to be part of theUnited Nation’s Global Compact协议,提供实际方向,以帮助推动整个集团的全球方法和当地举措。

Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy is based on three pillars: caring forour people, collaborating with our stakeholders and controlling our impact on the environment.

1。People first


80% of our employees identified gender equality amongst Expleo’s strongest assets (Expleo 2019 Great Place to Work Survey)


We recognise that regular dialogue with our external stakeholders is essential for achieving project success. This collaboration allows us to detect emerging trends and needs in order to improve our service offering, policies, processes or solutions. We therefore work closely with clients, partners, suppliers to ensure continuous progress across all our activities.



我们有一个减少ecologica的双重目标l footprint of the group and that of the clients we partner with. We deploy eco-responsible solutions on our development projects. In house, this translates into policies aimed at limiting our carbon footprint across our facility management and mobility, as well as initiatives to support positive changes in working behaviour (e.g. waste-sorting, printing).

在2014 - 2018年期间,在温室气体排放方面,我们在2014-2018之间将碳足迹降低了12.5%